The weird mix between desire and languor known as boredom, typically happens due the lack inspiration or ideas. With a 3D printer sitting around where ever it may be, there is no excuse for letting boredom settle in and ruin a perfectly good time. So below I’ve collected 25 quick and easy items that are fun to print and even more enjoyable to play with, decorate and to share some laughter with friends and family.
1. Balloon-Powered Car

This interesting object is a car that can be powered using pressurized air. Apparently not the one you can travel with but a toy to keep the little ones occupied and probably enhance their curiosity about the principles of mechanics. It is a simple design by camarogeek15, which can be printed pretty quickly. You can check out the design and download it from the link above.
2. Flying Toy Helicopters

These little flying toys have been around for ages. But now they can be 3D printed anytime someone is in a smidgeon and need something to bring the color and joy back. They can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Just pull the tab and the copter zips up in the air. It never ceases to amaze. This model is by 3DBROOKLYN.
3. PolyPanels

Closely related to the idea of 3D printing, poly panels allow you create objects of your choice by joining parts together. Consider creating one with your own 3D printer as having a special ability to create anything you want to. One more thing is that you can replace any missing or bad fillet and create more in different shades. This project is available on Thingiverse via the above link. It was created by Benjamin_Lau.
4. Yoyo

Yoyos has been around since eons ago. They are basically a simple toy consisting of two disks connected by an axle and a string tied around the axle. More features like lightning can be added to make the toy more sophisticated. Check out the design by Adafruit and download from the link above.
5. Mini octopus

A recent post wrote about how octopus keeps surprising us. The animal is known to have three hearts and blue blood as well. The post described how remarkably intelligent an octopus is. This design by McGybeer is a mini replica of this beautiful animal and of course can be printed in different colors.
6. Infinity Cube

Maybe you are interested in testing your printers to the limit, then try printing an infinity cube. You should be prepared for this exercise though because it can last for hours. In other words, printing this infinite cube puts your patience to the test, but trust it will be fun nonetheless. This particular design is by acurazine.
7. 2-tone whistle

A whistle can come in handy during outdoor sport or to alert others in case of distress. This particular whistle is designed by mistertech and is capable of making two different tones. It can be printed using wood, PLA or ABS.
8. Mini Floor Stands

Floor stands are used to pass information to people such as the ones we see in public places at times, that informs us that it is wrong to park in a particular spot, as a floor stand may read “No parking”. Well we can print a mini version and place it on a table to give instructions such as “leave a note” “gone for lunch” and so on. Check out the model by muzz64.
9. 12 Hole Ocarina

Play your own tunes and create your own music with a 3D printed 12-hole Ocarina. It might not be a common musical instrument, but it is a very ancient one that is important in the Chinese culture particularly. The design files by RobSoundtrack can be downloaded from the link above.
10. Low Poly Mask

You can rock this mask to your costume party, for Halloween or in any case you want to hide from boredom. As the name suggests, the mask is made up of a number of polygons. If you are a game of thrones fan, then this probably reminds you of the faceless man, Valhar Morgulis. You can download the mask design file by kongorilla from the link above.
11. Gear rollers
Printing a gear set eliminates the stress of having to assemble one after the various parts are made since a 3D printer literally creates it as an object assembled together. So now, the stress of assembling gear parts has been removed, leaving just the amusement of having a really cool key chain. The design file by 3DPPark can be downloaded from the link above.
12. Catapult

Does this remind you of war depicted in old movies? This design by LukeTansell is a mini version of the kind of catapults that is used to break down walls and fight battles in pre industrial themed movies.
13. Flip Text

Flip text or objects are text printed on different planes to give the allusion of change. These prints have a magical and wondrous quality that plays on the perspective of the unsuspecting. They can be used to interest a friend or as a design piece for the home. This model was created by mrpr3D.
14. Thin Man

Creating a thin man is not a bad idea. You can hang them on your computer screen or furniture like a lot of people do. It is a simple and straightforward design by Skulpt that does not require any support whatsoever when printing it. The link to download the model file is given above.
15. Fidget Spinner
Fidget spinners are a small spinning toy that resembles various shapes and objects. This model is by Dreidk. It can be printed very quickly and seamlessly. As simple as it looks, it is a very popular toy. It helps relieve anxiety and has been said to have helped people that find it difficult to concentrate, as well as people who get scared easily.
16. Gyroscope

This object consists of intertwined rings that are meant to be printed together. The rings can rotate in different directions around an axis. That’s the idea of the name gyroscope. It can be used as a toy or even attached as a key holder. The model was created by NestorDBF and can be downloaded from the link above.
17. Wind-up car
This is a small toy car that promise to dig up memories of childhood. It consists of some parts that can be printed separately and then assembled after printing without using glue. Ready for a memory rush while assembling the wheels and parts of this wind-up car. The model was created by Dadddy and can found from the link above.
18. Articulating Slug

Forget that the word slug is used to describe, shall I say, lazy people. Actually, a slug is a worm like animal that has no shell. This design by 8ran, attempts to recreate this interesting boneless animal. There are some quite surprising facts about slugs, if you will read about them, but we know they are particularly sticky. This 3D printed slug too is designed to cling to your fingers.
19. Mini Pokémon collection box

How special Pokémon is, one of the leading comic franchises. Ever thought you need a safe haven for your collections? Print this special box for your Pokémon card collections. The box itself is a stylish design, something befitting for this special purpose. This is a model by cycstudio.
20. Puzzle Plane

The parts of this plane have to be printed individually then assembled after. This is perhaps why it is a puzzle plane after all. These parts are kept together using magnets. Please note that this object is not suitable for children that are below three years old because the magnets can dissociate from the parts and create a potential hazard. The magnets should be glued to the pockets that are available in the design carefully, then the parts can be assembled to form the plane. This model was created by Deemoss.
21. Spinning tops

Another memorable toy, a spinning top is a toy that has been around for so many years. It is simply made to spin on a flat surface for as long as possible, while balancing itself on its tiny top. The design by mikeq is a very simple one. It consists of a round body in the middle of two short hollows (the tops). It can be printed in different colors.
22. Lego bricks

Similar to the poly panels, Lego bricks can be used to build almost any object conceivable. The bricks are designed in such a way that they fasten when connected to another brick such that there is no need for glue or magnets. You can always print as many bricks as you want and build any object you can think of. The model is by hroncok.
23. Oreo Box

This box by hutchyx is designed to look exactly like a piece of Oreo cookie. It can be used to store anything and can be printed in different sizes. On a lighter note, don’t bite into it, it is not an Oreo sandwich cookie.
24. Tiny articulated bot

This tiny articulated bot can be used to decorate the workspace or even used as a toy. It is designed as a mini version of robots with popping intelligent eyes. It is a great gift idea for those who are interested in artificial intelligence and computer science in general. The link above is where to download the design files. The model was created by Bq3D.
25. Minecraft diamond ore lamp

Check out this amazing Minecraft lamp, looking so beautiful. The first step to creating a similar lamp is to 3D print this model by I_am_me from Thingiverse. After which the lights will be added, and it will fully transform to a lamp. Go on to the link above to download the design files and make one for yourself.
BONUS: One Hand Book Holder

This innovative design by ZenziWerken can help you read through a book effortlessly while holding it with a single hand. It consists of a hole that can fit the thumb and a structure that prevents the pages from flipping close in your hand. Now you can hold a book in one hand, while holding a cup of hot chocolate in the other.